Thursday, April 16, 2009

BBQ Anyone?

Whenever I see some form of logo for pork, ham, bacon, ect. it usually includes a pig. Creepy logo makers even venture to sometimes have the pig appear in a apron to make sure that his belly does not get the pork he's frying on it. Yes, this is perfectly normal and accepted. You see this all the time, grocery stores, billboards on the interstate where they only cost about 25 cents, even on invitations to neighborhood BBQs.

In most of these illustrations the pig is smiling. Is he happy about the death of his fellow pig? Did he kill him himself? Is he happy that he is about to eat his friend? His expression, at first glance, does not seem very menacing, but sometimes the eyebrows are just arched enough to give our little porker an evil glare.

When I was younger I imagined people making him smile, threatening to have him fried by his friend too (at this age for some reason I thought that cartoons were just like actors).

This pig was cooking his friend and, somehow, making people want pork. First of all, who thought of the idea? More importantly, why did people adopt it? Is cannibalism humorous?

Does anyone even look closely at this type of thing? Maybe we've grown so accustomed to it no one cares.

Another similar logo is the famous cow wearing leather, or even more manly, bull wearing leather, but that post is for another day...


  1. Heather Cherry, I am very disturbed. I'm not sure that one would even be allowed on the interstate, and they allow a whole lot of stuff.

  2. If you had ever seen a pig/hog eating you would not be surprised. Pigs are, well, pigs. Farm life has taught this city girl way more than she ever wanted to know.

    ps - as to sailing. Now, I hated it. Made me seasick as all get out. But the hubby loved it. This was our sailboat Stupid thing cost more than our house at the time. Guess you can see HIS priorities....

  3. I've been thinking, caibalistic pigs may esist, pigs eat that "slop" stuff the farmers feed them which is pretty much anything remotely edible... *shutter*

    ps- I love your boat I wish I knew anything about sailing but I don't so now I'll just imagine myself sailing...


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