Saturday, April 11, 2009

What I'm not Buying This Weekend:

Life in the Short Lane’s Margo (also my mother) thought of a brilliant idea to frugally buy stuff without money! In reality, we’re not actually “buying” anything, but it’s just as fun! Well I had to adopt my mother’s idea- how could I ever lose the opportunity to imagine myself adorned with all of the clothes I may never need but want insanely?

My first item is a beautiful dress. It’s price for people who don’t have blogs is $608.00.

Now I need something for my blog to wear with the dress so ($278.00):

To finish it off I need a bag ($68.00) to carry all of the babysitting money that I did not spend so:

Now I can say I've saved $954.00 this weekend. It feels great to help out with the economy!


  1. You saved a fortune and your blog looks maaaaavelous!

  2. Awesome stuff. We'll look so nice together... virtually.

  3. Thanks Pricilla! I love your blog, and Kevin!

    Thanks mom...I

  4. You saved a ton but man did you miss out on a killer outfit!

  5. Thanks Fiona

    Ugh now I'm having reverse buyer's remorse. Why didn't I buy that? Oh ya lame economy.

  6. Ooh, I love that dress you're not buying. It's so NOT ME, but I wish it were! I'm kind of flannel shirt and cut-offs style. (Embarrassing!)


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